• Semiconductor Innovation in an Investment Constrained Economy

    Updated: 2011-10-31 14:23:02
    The current innovation climate in the semiconductor industry is alive and well but entrepreneurs have to adjust to the realities of the current economic situation and investment trends. The world's governmental economic development agencies have always looked at Silicon Valley with envy and paid big money to try to find the key which would unlock the secrets

  • Geo Semiconductor

    Updated: 2011-10-31 14:23:02
    Geo Semiconductor was officially formed in May 2009 as a fabless chip company through the acquisition of major IC business lines and key pieces of the IP portfolio of Silicon Optix, including the Realta and the Geo ICs, patents, inventory, software, development systems, customers and brands.

  • Semiconductor Stock Price Rally: What Next?

    Updated: 2011-10-31 14:23:02
    Recently, Intel (NASDAQ:INTC) raised its third-quarter guidance. The company anticipates revenues to be about $9 billion, versus its previous forecast of $8.5 billion. Gross margins are expected to be about 53%, with more upside than downside likely to the projection.

  • Researchers Develop New Technology to Improve Neural Implants

    Updated: 2011-10-31 00:39:34
    Electrical implants that shut down excessive activity in brain cells hold great potential for treating epilepsy and chronic pain. Likewise, devices that enhance neurons’ activity may help restore function to people with nerve damage. A new technology developed at MIT and Harvard Medical School may overcome the primary drawback to this approach, known as functional [...]

  • Texas Instruments bq25504 Power Management IC for Energy Harvesting

    Updated: 2011-10-24 19:16:15
    Texas Instruments announced their bq25504 power management integrated circuit for energy harvesting. The boost charger for nano (ultra low) power energy harvesting features circuitry to protect the energy storage element from over voltage and under voltage conditions and to kick-start the system when the battery is deeply discharged. The TI bq25504 IC manages the microwatts [...]

  • Intel's Incredible Semiconductor Machine (SemiWiki - Ed McKernan)

    Updated: 2011-10-24 15:41:00
    It is hard not to be impressed by Intel’s stunning financial performance since the 2008 downturn. They are on track to post revenue of $55B this year or 50% higher than 2008 while nVidia and AMD will be flat to less than 10% better. More significantly, earnings will be 3X that of 2008. More significantly, in the past 12 months they have funded a $10.5B CapEx budget, bought back $10B in stock and distributed roughly $4B in dividends. As for the stock: it is right around where it was September 1, 2008. View the full article HERE

  • Microchannel Heat Sink: Fabrication and Liquid Cooling System for High Heat Flux Integrated Circuits

    Updated: 2011-10-21 17:55:57
    Microchannel Heat Sink: Fabrication and Liquid Cooling System for High Heat Flux Integrated Circuits is a book written by Shahi Riaz (Laird Technologies) and Dr. Dereje Agonafer (University of Texas at Arlington). The book illustrates the analytical, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and experimental studies of microchannel heat sink (MHS). It describes the fabrication process of [...]

  • Analog Will Reach $61.9 Billion by 2015

    Updated: 2011-10-05 19:07:54
    The semiconductor market may be experiencing a downturn, but that doesn’t have to mean all news is bad news. Analog, within the Computing, Consumer, and Communications markets, will see some strong growth over the next few years, growing 13.8%, 8.6%, and 12.8% in 2011, 2012, and 2013 respectively. These numbers are pulled from our MAP [...]

  • ZMDI ZSSC3123 14-Bit Capacitive Sensor Conditioning IC

    Updated: 2011-10-05 17:28:07
    ZMDI announced the ZSSC3123 capacitive sensor signal conditioning integrated circuit. The ZMD IC features 14-bit resolution, 0.25% accuracy (over a -20 to +85°C temperature range), built-in sleep mode, and 60uA operating current (over a voltage range of 2.3V to 5.5V). The ZSSC3123 is ideal for low power battery driven sensor applications, sensors for humidity, weight [...]

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